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Tags and other details lost in updating the questions

When we save the questions with all the details and afterwards when we try and update them we lose the tags , categories , sub categories already saved for a particular question

Tom Jose , 02.12.2011, 21:36
Idea status: completed


fijas, 03.12.2011, 10:53
This has been rectified.
tom, 06.12.2011, 17:20
When we see te question list then we can see the main categories. However the sub categories are not available.

Also when we click on questions we see the video but not the category of subcategories it is listed in. We need that so that the HR can see each question and relate it to the categories we have mentioed.

When we navigate from home to categories and cleck on each main categories we are taken to the main dashboard. Ideally i feel when we click on categories we should see the sub categories and when we click on that we need to see the question associated with that.

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